
3 ways to improve your web content

Written by Lindsay Dudeck | August 20, 2014

Writing content for your website can be emotional, boring and tedious. How can I make this sound appealing? Do I have all my facts straight? What does my audience need to know?

Poorly written and long content will have people fleeing your site faster than hearing handbells in a contemporary music church service. So, how do you get them to keep reading?

1. Hook ‘Em With a Headline

Make it bold and obvious. What are they about to read? How can we draw them in? Headlines are your chance to grab attention and keep the content on the right track. Our friends over at HubSpot are masters at this and wrote a great piece on "7 Ways to Write Super Catchy Headlines."

2. Keep it Simple

Remember that your audience may stop reading at any time. So, limit each paragraph or section to one idea and get your most important information out there first.

  • Use bullet points when possible.

  • Use compelling and inviting language, not church-ey and insider language.

  • Make it glance-able

3. Call Them to Action

Don’t leave the readers hanging. Close your content with a next step for them. Are they to leave motivated to sign-up for something? Are there questions you want them to reflect on?

Churches, remember this: Your website content is no longer an online library or brochure about your church. Your website is a digital channel to deliver your brand message. And, the Fishhook Crew are experts in teaching you how to catch more. Learn more in our Ideas/Resources section or introduce yourself to start a conversation on how to work with us.