
Churches, Meet Blab: A new live-streaming platform that's built for community

Written by Aimee Cottle | March 17, 2016

Typically, when new social technology debuts, we spend time researching it, thinking about the potential for the church and sitting back to see if it sticks. We tell our clients and readers not to jump into new social networks unless their audience is there. Recently, however, we learned about a new social platform that, we believe, has the potential to be a huge ministry tool for churches and nonprofits. And we're saying jump! 

Blab, a live-streaming platform, is making its way into the social media stratosphere with a bang. It features some of the best aspects of Periscope and Google Hangout, but under one roof. It's built around two pillars:

  1. Starting conversations
  2. Building community

While we love the potential for Periscope and other live-streaming apps, they're really built on the premise that one person is speaking to many people. Blab is built so that you can have a conversation with your audience. A Blab can have up to four on-air participants. The owner of that conversation can decide which four people take up the available seats. While those people talk on video, everyone else can participate via the live chat that's built directly into the platform.

It's simple to use and is connected to your Twitter account. Blab is currently available on Desktop and iOS, which makes it extremely easy to access for your audience. 

Still not convinced it's for you?
Here are 20 ways we think the church can use Blab:  

  1. Weekly sermon recap/preview 
  2. Blogging - Not a writer? Use Blab instead! You can record it and embed it into a blog post later. 
  3. Podcasts or webinars - Don't have the technology to host a podcast or webinar? Now you can do it for free! 
  4. Announce new events or initiatives
  5. Virtual Bible study anyone? 
  6. Discussion groups 
  7. Youth hangout
  8. Marriage seminars. Parenting seminars. Any and all types of seminars.
  9. Nap time for moms - You know when your kid finally falls asleep, and all you want to do is talk with another adult? Have a weekly "moms day in" Blab where stay-at-home moms can jump in and encourage each other or go through a devotional. 
  10. Interviews - Having a guest speaker? Do an interview with him/her as a preview or recap. 
  11. Lunch-time devotionals - Open up a Blab at lunch for those who are working. They can jump in and out to fit their schedule, while still participating in the conversation. 
  12. Volunteer training - Having a hard time getting people to come to volunteer training or discussions? Make it a virtual training. You can still have face-to-face conversation, Q&A and remove the barrier of people having to drive to the church. Have someone who's thinking about volunteering but wants to know more? Let them jump in and see it live. 
  13. Snowy Sundays with the pastor. Is your building closed because of snow or other weather? No worries! Have your pastor jump online and deliver the sermon via Blab. Have another team member open with prayer and share announcements and let people watch, ask questions, give praise, etc. 
  14. Ask us anything - Really want to get crazy and open up? Let parents online with the youth pastor and a few key volunteers to ask them questions about parenting. This will bring transparency, advice and God's Word to a whole new level! 
  15. Story sharing - Did you preach on finding hope in the Bible last week? Why not find three people who have a story that can illustrate your point and ask them to share? Have a pastor or team member moderate and let people write in with their personal stories or anecdotes. 
  16. Weekly inspiration - Pick a Bible verse a week. Jump on Blab and share the Bible verse and three ways your audience can apply it. 
  17. Introduce new staff members or do staff interviews - People love getting to know who you are. In fact, we often find that the staff page of a church website is in the top five viewed pages. Let them get to know you or a new staff member. Laugh, joke, be a little vulnerable. Show them you are "real" and approachable. 
  18. Special holiday extras: Offer a series leading up to Christmas. Walk your congregation through Lent. Describe how to explain Easter to a child. 
  19. Newcomer Q&A - Follow-up with your first-time visitors. Grab a few of your connections team members or volunteers and have an open conversation. Let the visitors ask questions or jump into an open seat to share their experience. This will help you understand where they are coming from and make it feel like they have a voice. It will also give them a friendly face or two to find next time they visit. 
  20. Partner with other churches - Show unity by coming together with other ministry leaders. Pick a topic and take turns giving advice or tips. (We believe there is HUGE opportunity here.) 

And the list goes on and on. Some of these things might not be a good fit for your church, but that's the best part about Blab; it has the potential to be a true ministry tool for you, no matter how you use it.