
Communicate Church - A Fishhook Podcast

Written by Evan McBroom | November 6, 2013

As Fishhook began to think about what it meant to engage with our online audience, we realized that we wanted to share more content with you! We've written blogs and opened up on social media, but we wanted a better way to communicate with you. We would like to announce the beginning of a Fishhook podcast called Communicate Church!

So, why produce a podcast? A handful of things come to mind:

1. Collectively, we have something to say that can help the Church - and church leaders. When I say "we," I mean Fishhook and our clients and collaborators. Every podcast will feature a guest who is having an impact on church communications - and this podcast will help us cross-pollinate great ideas from one church to another, or from one of our Fishhookers to church leaders - no cost, no obligation, no strings attached.
2. We think it will be good for the Fishhook brand - as we continue to grow in our knowledge and wisdom - to gain more insight into how churches can improve the way they fish by improving the way they communicate. We believe sharing content like this will continue to position us as a leader and one of a handful of great firms across the country doing this sort of work - each who have a unique approach, but we share much of the same heart. 
3. It will be fun! To think that every couple weeks I'll get to sit across the microphone from someone that we've met in our work - somebody really making an impact - that this will be an excuse to get together, to plan, laugh, learn from one another? What a blast!
4. I may get to travel - and I love that. I have a dream, a vision, that as Fishhook continues to grow, that my work will allow me to travel more (and that would include traveling with my wife in a big RV). So, I can envision this growing into an ongoing, nationwide tour of interviews with church leaders, and there would be a Fishhook-branded RV rolling into a church parking lot near you!
5. Deep down, I know that Matthew 25:14-30 tells a story I should pay attention to. As the leader of Fishhook, so much has been entrusted to me and I feel when we have inspiration around an idea like this, it's our job to act on it - we can't bury an idea like this out of fear - we have to get behind it and make it happen, in hopes of a HUGE KINGDOM RETURN! It would be easy to fear this idea - who in the world would listen to us? Who would make time to be our guests? What if we try it and it fails? Who are we to think we have anything to say? That's all crap! It's rubbish! We can't let five bags of inspiration be buried by an ounce of fear.
It's time to Communicate Church!
Look for a new podcast every Thursday at!