
Creating a Video - From Brainstorm to Playback (Infographic)

Written by Carissa Nunez | March 17, 2016

Every video starts with an idea and ends with the final fade out. But what happens in between? A lot of little pieces go into making a creative and effective video for your church. Maybe you've just recently put together a video team or perhaps you're diving into video making with the help of some Sherlock-esque Google searches and your iPhone. Either way, we've created a resource we think can help!

Whether you have an established video team or want to put together a specific group for each project, working together as a team will help you create a better final product. Use this resource to stay on track as you make awesome videos! (And always remember ... the internet is a wonderful resource to answer any questions that may come up or you can contact us! We'd love to answer your video questions.)

Other resources mentioned in the infographic:
Video on a Budget