
Creating Guest Experiences (COVID-19 Edition)

Written by Jamie Shafer | July 17, 2020


Thanks to everyone who was able to join us for our virtual gathering of The Table this week!

It was fun to connect with newcomers and see longtime friends. If you didn’t get a chance to join us, feel free to check out the recording below.

We talked about the onsite and online guest experiences and offered a few tips:

  • Your onsite experience: The in-person energy level may feel different. That’s okay! Wondering who is new? Everyone! Plan for newcomers and those who are re-learning how to attend their church safely. Remember to keep the experience true to your church’s values and DNA. And, provide consistent messaging in various forms.

  • Your online experience: Bring value. Build relationships. Always. Anticipate guests’ needs and meet them. Plan for guests to engage with you on weekdays as well. Present clear next steps and include multiple options so guests can choose how to interact. Relationships take time.

  • The value of unity: Unity is a calling and a superpower for the Church, so commit to staying united as a team. Keep your mission at the forefront of all you do. Empathize with your guests (and staff), especially in this season. Anticipate points of tension and address them in advance. 

  • Measuring success in a planting season: Your go-to methods of measuring success may not be working right now. That’s okay. It’s time to pivot. Instead of attendance numbers, how can you measure living out your values? What seeds are you planting now in hopes of a harvest later? As a team, determine what the right rhythm evaluation should look like.

At the end of the day, the best thing you can do for your guest experience is to see it as the beginning of a relationship that needs nurturing. 

As you're preparing to welcome people back into your buildings, here are a couple examples of "Welcome Back" videos: