
Facebook's Not a Fad Update

Written by Lindsay Dudeck | March 30, 2011

Update from our Facebook's Not a Fad post

At our February Roundtable, we chose one lucky attendee, The Ridge (Columbus, Ind.), to receive an on-the-spot Facebook ad that we created together. Over the following month we monitored the ad to track the ROI for the $50 investment.

We targeted Facebook users who:

  • live in the United States
  • live within 25 miles of Columbus, IN
  • age 18 and older

Over 30 days:

  • The ad had 91,327 impressions (the number of times it showed up on the targeted Facebook users' page).
  • 58 clicks, with the average cost per click of .86 cents

This means that 58 people, likely with no association to the church, clicked on the ad and visited For $50, that's a pretty good ROI. Imagine the cost of mailing 91,327 postcards!