
From Techno to Technology - St. John's tiered communications journey

Written by Grace Mitchell | April 23, 2015

Do you feel like there is so much noise and competition between ministries that it's hard to get any word out to your congregation, let alone a strategic message? 

Learn from St. John Lutheran's journey to find messaging priority and balance between their church, school and childcare.

5 years ago, communications was not even part of their thought process. The only system they had in place was, "Get your note to us Thursday by noon and we'll get it in the bulletin." 

Now they are providing a unified message across all ministries by a simple method of tiered communications. 

"It used to be the thicker your bulletin, the better church you were." But now look how far they've come! They just launched a new refreshed website last week and are using their current tiered communications strategy to build energy around ministries in a timely and effective manner. 

So how do they do it? How did they go from no communications to successful communications? 

Hear their advice on creating a priority messaging strategy on this episode of Communicate Church!