
Home for the Holidays - Part 1

Written by Aimee Cottle | December 9, 2014

Our team is going home for the holidays! Over the next few weeks, each Fishhooker will be reminiscing about our favorite traditions and memories that take place during the Christmas season. We hope you enjoy this stroll down memory lane! Merry Christmas! 

Lydia: Before all the gifts are opened, we all sit around the tree and read the story of our Savior. After opening the gifts, my dad almost always has a piece of wisdom he shares, which I treasure because I consider my dad to be the most amazing and humble man I have ever known. I must say that being together as a family is always the best “tradition” since it happens less frequently now. I love seeing the family expand and adore when we can all celebrate together!

Shayla: The last few years our little elf, Zipper Jingles, has graced our children with his presence. It has been so fun watching them run downstairs every morning trying to find Zipper and whatever antics he’s gotten himself into. However, my personal special moment each Christmas is singing Silent Night at our candlelight Christmas Eve church service; it just gets me every time. Such a special, sacred time of reflection filled with peace.

Aimee: Every year, all 30+ members of my family spend Christmas Eve together. We eat, open gifts and then go to my Grandma’s church for Christmas Eve service. No matter how old we’ve gotten, or how many people we’ve added to our family, we have always kept this time sacred. Anytime I have the chance to be with my family in one room is special, but this night is definitely the most magical time of the year!