
How long should your website last?

Written by Ben Goshow | July 17, 2014

Maybe you've recently launched a shiny new website, or maybe your site is a couple years old and starting to show some wear and tear. Either way, questions will start to surface at some point. At Fishhook we often hear, "How long can I expect this site to last?" Some of the churches we work with ask, "When is it time to start thinking about a refresh?" We even hear, "A little makeover isn't going to cut it for us - I think it's time for a complete face lift!" (Technically, that last statement isn't really a question, don't hold it against me.)

The Internet is a rapidly evolving medium, and has changed dramatically over the last 25 years. Staying relevant and effective online is definitely a challenge! And while most of us aren't (and don't need to be) operating on the bleeding edge of technology, I believe there are a few indicators we can look for in evaluating the success of your church or organization's website.

Relevant Content
Is the information on your site up-to-date? You should not only have multiple people who can access and update the site, but a strategic plan for communicating the important messages that need to be heard. There is no quicker turn-off than a home page announcing last month's chili cook-off.

Current Technology
The rapid growth and use of mobile devices in just the last few years has changed the way we consume information. This has led to new and exciting ways of communicating with people, whether they're visiting your site from their home PC or the phone in their pocket. Analyze your website traffic to see what kind of browsers and devices are being used to visit your site. Make sure your site supports them.

Communication Trends
Look closely at the brands that you and your audience engage with regularly. These leaders in effective communication have spent a LOT of time, thought and money to speak in a language that can be heard in our busy culture. While it can be fun to occasionally copy these messages outright, it can also be helpful to take some cues from them to guide your own efforts.

Visitor Involvement
In my opinion, this is the most important vital sign to check. You can have the slickest website out there, but if the people you're trying to reach aren't using it, then you're missing the mark. Pay attention to your visitors. Talk to your audience. Find out what they want to do on your website, and make sure they can do it easily and quickly. If the tools are there, make sure you let them know! 

I'd love to hear your thoughts. How long has your website lived in its current skin? If you've recently launched a new site, let us know some of the reasons that prompted that decision. If you're ready to think about a refresh, a revamp or complete overhaul, we'd love to talk to you.