
How to Inspire Your Congregation (Instead of Just Spewing Information)

Written by Leah Norton | April 3, 2017

Are you ready to hear one of the best communications tips I know to make a significant impact through your church? Or, I could ask the question this way ... Are you ready to inspire your people (instead of just flooding them with information)? Would you like to greatly increase your chances of moving and motivating them to engage at a deeper level and grow in their faith?

If you're ready to inspire, then begin sharing genuine stories about real people and real life impact and change to encourage and engage with your congregation and community.
Consider this: How do you see God at work through your church's mission and main priorities like worship services, small groups, kids or youth ministry and community serving opportunities? Capture these stories and share them in compelling ways.

Then, you'll immediately suggest next steps that coincide with these stories so that your congregation can engage and serve in life-changing ways. You'll be asking your congregation to grow in their faith by finding a place to serve, joining a small group, bringing unchurched friends to worship services and more.Now it's tempting to lead with the facts or details to promote an event or effort through your church. But don't do it! Instead, lead with a story that spotlights how God is at work. Highlight the impact of your ministry. Share about real people and their genuine emotion. It’s memorable and moving.

An important part of this sharing is using various methods to tell these stories. Aim to keep it fresh by looking for and trying new ways on a frequent basis.

Video is a great way to share stories. Video stories (keep them to 3 minutes or less in length) can be shared in worship services, in small groups/classes and with kids or students. They can be available and shared online or digitally through the church's website, app, social media channels, email/enews, via text, etc.

Beyond video, there are many other great ways to tell a story. Try these:
  • Share a compelling photo with a pull-out quote or caption.
  • Read or share a letter, note or poetry. 
  • Tell a story through artwork. 
  • Have someone share live/in person. This could be an adult, child or teen.
  • Share a story as part of a prayer request or lead-in to a prayer time, baptisms, communion or another significant worship time.
  • Start a blogpost, pastor's column or letter with a story.

What storytelling method or tip would you add to this list?