
Naming (or Renaming) Your Church

Written by Leah Norton | August 30, 2011

When my husband and I started thinking about names for our first child, we came up with a few criteria.

1. Memorable: We wanted a name that would be at least a little distinct. Growing up in the 80s as a Jennifer clearly left scars.

2. Reflective: We hoped to capture something about us in the name.

3. The Tease Factor: How many seconds would it take to come up with a horrible nickname based on the name (accompanied by visions of a dodgeball being hurled at the child’s head)?

Renaming a church isn’t all that different. It takes quite a bit of thought and time, and there’s pressure to come up with something that will make a lot of people happy.

Where to Start

At Fishhook, we recommend starting with some serious digging and reflection (something we call Discovery). Dive into questions and discussions with a solid cross-section of your church leaders and members to uncover what your church is really all about, where you come alive in ministry and where you feel God is leading you.

Next, explore your church’s comfort zone. Are you comfortable with a name that sparks curiosity and conversation? Something that’s unique and maybe a little edgy even? Does the name even include the word “church?” Or are you the kind of church that leans into what we call Subdivision Names (Jon Acuff calls them LL Bean names) – e.g. Waterbrook Community Church … a name that feels safe.

There’s no right or wrong answer. It’s all about finding a name that accurately represents the DNA of your church and where it’s headed. One that will energize and unify your members and engage those who haven’t walked through the doors yet.

A Church Name as an Outreach Tool

We encourage churches to think strategically about their name as an outreach tool. What happens if you wear your church name and logo on a jacket? Would it spark conversation? Could it open a door for you to talk about the church and God that you love so much?

Someone from my church kept a mug with our church name and tagline on his desk at work. One day a co-worker he didn’t know well stopped by, pointed at the mug and asked, “what’s that all about?” What an opportunity! The guy just nodded quietly as he heard a little about the church and his colleague’s faith. A week or so later, the unchurched co-worker stopped by the desk again and invited his colleague to go to lunch sometime to talk about “faith stuff.”

These are the stories that get us fired up. God uses all kinds of tools to reach those who don’t know Him … even church names!