
Prayer, people & guts: what I've learned

Written by Leah Norton | June 6, 2011

In college, I had classes about persuasive writing, the history of public relations and mass communications theory. All good stuff.

Yet more and more, I’m realizing there are some key – I mean essential – parts to my work that have hardly anything to do with that book learnin’ and college degree I was so pleased to receive. 

First and foremost, I’m quick to realize that most days are completely out of my control. Too much to do. Constant change. Unexpected issues. I have to turn to the Lord first each and every day. My prayer has to be: Lord, this day is yours. May your agenda be my agenda. Help me to be flexible. And when I feel inadequate or overwhelmed, I’ll just turn to you for the best ideas and solutions!

Next, I have to make relating with and appreciating people a top priority. What does this look like? For me, it means truly listening to others and caring about their needs and challenges. And then, being less concerned about MY agenda, MY pressing issues or what I can do or say to impress or be right.    

And finally, I’ve learned that my gut – which, as a Christian, is continually nudged and prodded by the Holy Spirit – is a great indicator regarding what I should do or say next. Time and time again, these nudges within my gut help me encourage – even challenge (in a good way) – my own thinking, my co-workers and Fishhook’s clients to take important next steps.