
How can churches communicate and respond? #prayforOrlando

Written by Leah Norton | June 14, 2016

These are troubled days. As Americans ... as humans ... we grieve for the people killed, injured and impacted in Orlando.

Our clients - many who are church and ministry leaders - often ponder how they should communicate and respond in these troubled times. We often share these thoughts to encourage them.

  1. Acknowledge what has happened and always lead with love and prayer. In other words, be real. And be real kind.
    We are called to be love and light. Act in a timely manner to acknowledge what has happened and express Christ's love and offer prayers for every person impacted.

    For the Orlando tragedy, many of our churches offered prayers the next morning in their Sunday worship services, posted a social graphic and encouraging words through various social media channels and/or wrote blog posts to express their grief and support.  

  2. Support church members, anyone in your community or others you are connected with online who might be wrestling with significant grief and hard questions as a result of this evil act. 
    Life can be extremely hard, and everyone feels it and processes it differently. Be available to support people in a variety of ways. Some churches might offer prayer vigils. Others might share a blog post and ask people to share/comment online. Small groups/Bible studies or support groups might start up as a result. 

  3. Offer hope and help.
    Consider how your church or organization can offer hope and help to the people of Orlando and anyone who is hurting in our local communities, nation and world. How can you serve? What can you give? What acts of kindness or generosity can be offered? Let's turn our grief and sadness into action.