
That Summer Silence - When Fishhookers go on Vacation

Written by Grace Mitchell | July 2, 2015

Lately, some of our Fishhookers have been traveling to the four corners of the Midwest, and to Florida (which, let's be serious, is basically an extension of the Midwest), for family vacations. This can leave the office pretty quiet, especially on days when team members have off-site meetings. 

Quiet, in a place that is so often filled with lively conversations and side-splitting laughter, can feel pretty weird sometimes. And while it can be difficult to get use to that summer silence, we still love it for what it adds to our culture. 

Here are a few things "That Summer Silence" is teaching us: 

  • Family time is the best time: Team members having the freedom to spend quality time with family is such an important part of our culture. When team members go on vacation it's often so refreshing for them to leave work behind and spend focused time with the people they care about most.
  • Team works: Fishhook's culture of teamwork really does work! Even when team members are out on vacation, everyone automatically steps up to make sure the work that needs to get done still gets done. We never have a shortage of helping hands. 
  • Sometimes it can be good to seek out new groups: When we're missing our normal office buddies or go-to collaborators, it can lead us to find creativity and fun with people we don't usually work with as closely. When we bond and grow together as smaller groups ... it makes our whole team that much stronger. 
  • Silence isn't all bad: Though some of our extroverts may disagree, the truth is silence isn't all bad. Even if it's not something you're especially fond of, it can be good to have some space to think, to work, to create, to image and dream. We're learning to take the time to appreciate the silence when it happens. 
  • We cherish the moments we are all together: While we love when our team members get to spend time with their families, we also cherish the moments we all get to be together. When vacationers have returned and we're all finally gathered around the table again, the laughter and smiles can't be contained. We love our team! 

Struggling with Summer Silence at your office? Looking for advice on how to build your own unique team culture? Answer a few questions about your current team culture and a Fishhooker will respond with tips tailored for you.