
The Alignment4 Conference - Intersecting Culture, Ministry, Leadership & Facilities

Written by Ben Goshow | October 21, 2010

Members of the Fishhook team attended the Alignment4 Conference in Naperville, IL on Tuesday. The conference was hosted by our friends at Aspen Group and the Cornerstone Knowledge Network, and featured presentations by many professionals with experience in the areas of church growth, building, and communication. Their insights were presented in context of the intersection and alignment of culture and ministry that we as Christians need to live from, and that Christian leaders must understand and navigate in order to be both successful and God-honoring throughout the process of church expansion.

Topics ranged from intentional preparation and planning for growth, building a diverse team to shepherd the process of change, accurate estimation of your needs before you commit, and discovering the strengths of your team to be sure the right people are "on the bus."

It was a joy for us to spend time with old friends and to make some new ones, to hear instructive and positive counsel from experts in the field, and to feel the strong presence of God so tightly woven throughout all of the messages and strategies that were presented.

Thank you, Aspen and CKN, for your generous hospitality, and for putting together an informative and fun day for us!

p.s. Visit our Facebook and Twitter pages for photos, posts and tweets from the conference. You can also search for the Twitter hash tag #Align4 for comments from other attendees.