
The elephant in the sanctuary - Churches & the shift to mobile

Written by Ben Goshow | October 22, 2013

A guest blog by Santiago Jaramillo from BlueBridge Digital

When we meet with churches to talk about our apps, we always ask the same two questions.

The first is pretty basic: What percentage of your congregation is made up by smartphone users? The answers vary, but mostly we hear that churches are noticing more and more smartphones on Sunday mornings. Some members use apps like YouVersion to read along with scripture, some live-tweet their favorite points from the week’s message and yes, some play Angry Birds.

The second question we ask is much more important: What are you doing about it?

This is the question that stumps the majority of the church staff members we talk to. The most common answer isn’t an answer at all—instead, we hear silence. Of course churches have realized that their congregation has moved to mobile, but they’re unsure what, if anything, they should do about it.

It’s not just churches, either. 97% of all organizations don’t currently have any kind of mobile strategy. This is despite the fact that smartphones have been outselling desktops and laptops since 2011 and mobile apps rank just below television as the #1 most-consumed media in the country.

These numbers illustrate something very important: Churchgoers have already flocked to mobile apps, and most churches aren’t meeting them there.

We started creating apps for churches because we saw this shift coming. We recognized the enormous potential impact that a mobile app could have on a church’s culture. We aren’t the only ones creating mobile apps for churches, but we believe ours is the best answer for any church that wants to connect with the members of their congregation, not just on Sunday, but every day of the week.

Over the next few weeks, we’re teaming up with Fishhook on a blog series on the different things churches should consider in regard to mobile. In the meantime, I’d love to hear from you. You can visit our partnership page to learn more and request a meeting with a member of our team. I also invite you to email me personally . No matter where you are with your mobile strategy, I’d love to help in any way I can.

In the meantime, think about that question we ask all of the churches we speak with. What is your church doing about mobile?