
Tiered communications: I'm taking it personally!

Written by Leah Norton | February 18, 2015

In a recent blogpost, I talked about vision-led communications (a.k.a. tiered communications). It is a must for any church that wants to communicate compelling stories and messages that will move people to connect and interact. I have seen vision-led communications transform churches' communications efforts and how people understand and connect with the mission of a church and grow in their faith as a result. 

But today, I'd love to get more personal about tiered communications. Because you and your work matter. In fact, your whole life matters. Who you are at work. As you serve in your church. Who you are at home. As you love your family and friends. It all matters. And tiered decision-making and communications is a concept that can be applied to your full life.

Have you ever considered what the vision for your life and for your family is? I would encourage you to consider what the 2-3 top priorities are in your life and name them.

Based off of my list, I try (as best I can. I learn something new every day.) to determine what I will pursue and what decisions I will make about my time, money and communication. If and when there are opportunities that are directly connected to my/our vision as a family, we consider them for implementation and communication. If they aren't tied to our priorities, then we let them go. Here are some big and little examples:

  • Loving God and doing all I can to bring glory to Him. Loving my family and myself (this involves as much caring, sharing and laughter as possible; plus self-care is important too). Loving others (this involves openness and giving as God leads me).
  • Connecting to a church where we can worship, serve and grow in our faith? Big priority!
  • Planning family vacations to love on and connect as a family? Big priority!
  • Having a dog? (To bring a ton of love and laughter into our home!) Big priority!
  • Saying no to several hobbies or extra-curricular activities so that we can make other things front and center. Important!
  • Building down time into our schedule every weekend so that we can be home and hanging out as a family. Important!
  • Hosting a group of teens every week in our home for a Bible study. Important!

Do you see it? This is tiered decision-making and communications. It can guide you as an individual and with your family!

What does your list include? How are you living out tiered decision-making and communications? Click below to watch our FREE webinar on-demand.