
We're going #OldSchoolFishhook for NACC! - And there are free t-shirts involved.

Written by Grace Mitchell | June 23, 2015

We're going old school at NACC! Take a picture with the our retro Fishhook logo, tag us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and we'll give you a free t-shirt! 

In this modern age of technology, things change fast. Retro comes a lot sooner than it use to. Facebook starts losing kids to Instagram, Twitter adopts Periscope to help keep them in the game, Netflix makes its move to lead the on-demand streaming charge. 

Even in the office, 90% of our internal and external communication happens online. (We've been trying to give away our fax machine for a couple weeks now but nobody will take it!) While it's important to keep up to date with modern social, technological, design and content trends ... sometimes its good to get a little retro and remember how far we've come. 

Aimee Cottle (Online Engagement Strategist) & Shayla Kenworthy (Communications Strategist) at NACC with our retro logo.