
When is it time for a new logo?

Written by Meredith Erwin | September 24, 2014

We often get asked the question, "how do we know if we need a new logo?"

Many times, conversations around logos start because a committee or pastor decides they don’t like it anymore. While this isn't a good enough reason to change, it is important to take note when you notice people saying they don’t like it. Sometimes their distaste is an indicator of the real, underlying reasons your logo might need to change.

Here's what to listen for:

  • If you hear someone say, “it’s outdated” - This might mean the logo is no longer relevant to your church’s audience. It could also mean that it’s no longer reflecting what your “church experience” is like.
  • If you hear someone say “it’s boring” - This could mean that the logo is not effectively communicating the mission of your church or that people don't even know what the mission is.

A logo is the foundation for your church’s entire visual identity. It’s important that it reflects the character of your organization and communicates who you are. At Fishhook, we also think your logo should be something you and your church get excited about! 

When you make a change to your logo, you’re saying “our identity is different.” This could be a “we have new clothes, but are still the same on the inside” sort of different. It could also be a “the life of our organization is radically changing” sort of different.

Four signs that you might need a totally new logo or brand:

  1. When your church decides to rename itself.
  2. When your church moves to a new location.
  3. (Possibly) when your church decides to go multi-site.
  4. When the mission or direction of your organization has changed in a significant way.

Signs that your logo may need just a slight update:

  1. When your church adds a campus.
  2. When your logo still embodies your mission, but may need to be refreshed to connect with current culture. 
  3. When your church’s demographics have changed.

If you do decide to move forward with a new logo, know that it won't suddenly solve all your communication problems. A logo is not the full summation of what your church is. It’s a symbol. It’s one important, but still small, piece of the other ways you present yourself. 

A logo is just the beginning!