
Getting Personal with Rock

Written by Aidan Wilkins | September 7, 2022

In our last article, we reviewed the basics of using Rock to connect and communicate with your new and returning guests. While that was a good start, you may be wanting to dive deeper into those connections and see what fruit they can bear.

It’s time to take that connection to the next level! Today, we’ll jump into a few different tools you can use to help your guests feel seen and welcomed at your church.

Use Profiles to Connect with Real People

A guest’s profile can hold as much information as you are willing or able to add. Their profile can house information such as contact info, age, next steps they’ve taken at your church or even the members of their family. The more information you can add, the better you can understand that guest’s relationship with your church and ministry areas. 

While information is great, it’s what you do with it that matters. A few ways to connect with your guests using their profile information includes:

  • Send a guest a message wishing them a happy birthday
  • Congratulate a family on a student’s graduation
  • Celebrate with a married couple who just had an anniversary 
  • Reach out to a family that you haven’t seen in a while to offer help or prayer
  • Thank someone for serving at an event your church hosted
  • And so much more!

Your team can also use the information on a guest’s profile to communicate better. You can add notes on your team’s interaction with a guest or their next step in your discipleship process. This will help your team plan effective communications and intentional interactions with everyone who walks through your doors.

Deliver Valuable Content to the Right Audience

We covered the more personal touches you can use with Rock. Now, let’s dive into providing valuable and relevant content to your guests.

A guest’s profile can allow them to choose from, or opt in to any of the content offerings you are able to equip them with. You can also add guests to communication lists based on the attributes in their profile (the ages of their kids, being on a serving team or attending a specific campus) to bring them the most relevant content to their situation.

Some great content opportunities here include:

  • A monthly newsletter to families in your kids ministry
  • Weekly email to your different campuses with relevant updates
  • Daily devotional sent out to subscribers
  • Sending your serving teams a ‘thank you’ video for volunteering at Easter services
  • And anything else your team is passionate about!

Ideas like these will be a huge value add, as your guests will get the kinds of content they are looking for. Your team will be able to walk alongside and minister to them anytime, anywhere.

Equip Your Teams

Rock not only has the ability to equip all the guests attending your church, but it also has the capability to equip those helping you do ministry every week. 

The profile system allows you to grant permissions to different groups of guests. Your staff team probably has a level of access that others don’t and so can your volunteer teams. Utilizing this feature gives you the chance to equip your volunteer teams to further their ministry impact on Sundays and throughout the week.

Here are some ideas on equipping your volunteer teams through Rock:

  • Special volunteer mailing list
  • Training resources
  • Team introductions and mission
  • Planning for Sunday or special events
  • Additional tools to develop their leadership and ministry skills

Now, not only are these guests investing additional time and energy to serve the ministry, you are investing your time into equipping them and bringing extra value to their experience on your serving teams.

Get Rocking! 

It may not be possible to implement all of these ideas, all at once (unless this is your jam, like it is ours!). However, taking a few extra steps to utilize your Rock RMS website can pay off in big ways. 

Now, you can go deeper with your guests by connecting with them wherever they are at, delivering valuable content to their doorstep and equipping those that are helping you do the work of the ministry.

Looking to talk Rock websites or digital strategy? Our team would love to chat all about it!