
Ta-Da: Sherwood Oaks Christian Church

Written by Leah Norton | April 27, 2016
Sherwood Oaks Christian Church wants to meet people wherever they are - both online and in their faith exploration - as they share relevant stories and inspiration that ultimately points people to Christ. We recently had the privilege of helping Sherwood Oaks revamp their website to be more focused on content and online engagement. Here is part of their story and more about the work we did together:

Their Mission

"Our mission is the Great Commission left for us in Matthew 28 - to go into our world and help people become followers of Jesus, who can then follow his Great Commandment to love God and others. This is the heart of the Yes2Love commitment – growing stronger in our faith and reaching out to others." -

The Work

The leadership at Sherwood Oaks sees the Internet as a significant outreach and evangelistic opportunity. We partnered with them on a new website that focused on content/increased online engagement to help them reach these goals. We worked closely with the church's Communications Director and larger team at Sherwood Oaks to help give each of the church's multiple locations/worship services, key initiatives and ministries a strategic place on the church's new website, allowing them to share their compelling stories, interact with their audiences and help move people to take next steps.

The Client

Sherwood Oaks is an incredible church bringing light and encouragement to the greater Bloomington area and surrounding region. This church has multiple ministries and groups - with many stories and important content to share. They are striving to connect in meaningful ways with people who might be looking online for a church or want to explore various faith issues and questions. In addition, they are focused on reaching others - those who need encouragement and answers to life's difficult questions and issues, but that may not be looking for a church or even have any understanding of the Christian faith.

The Ta-Da

The Sherwood Oaks congregation has such incredible hearts to love and reach people for Christ. Whether they are connecting with folks face-to-face at one of their campuses, in the community or even around the world, this church family strives to love, care and serve with big, generous hearts. The motivation for their website/online engagement efforts is to serve their community and beyond by providing more meaningful content and encouragement that ultimately will point people to Christ.

To us, Ta-Da means creating and celebrating remarkable improvement. We want to take the time to celebrate who you are and the work you're doing. This year as projects wrap, we'll be presenting little "Ta-Da's" as a way to acknowledge the collaboration and hard work that went into improving the way you fish