If you’re looking for a strategy to repurpose your video or written content for social media, we’ve got you covered.

Have you ever been halfway through a video on Facebook before realizing you’ve already seen the same one on Instagram days, weeks, or even months earlier? 

Have you clicked on a link because of a captivating title only to realize you’ve already read that article?

Repurposing content is not something companies or churches do out of laziness, it’s actually a great tactic to drive people to your content in new ways and expand your reach. 

We know you put a lot of time and effort into your content. And we also know people have a short attention span. So, why not marry those two together and repurpose them?!

Here are some techniques you can use to repurpose content:

  1. Repost an old photo or video.
    We remember our content, others do not. With so many messages, photos, and videos being shared, people will forget. So wait a few months or even a year and reshare!

  2. Reshare an old blog.
    A key to this is using a differing photo and teaser when sharing on social. It works like a charm.

  3. Use a different clip from the same video or podcast.
    Simply take a different part of the video or podcast from what you’ve previously shared. In fact, you can do this with any strong points and keep driving traffic to the same place.

  4. Update or add to old content.
    There are times you might have an update to a campaign or outreach initiative that you want to share. This is a great way to do just that! 

  5. Make a video out of a blog post.
    People consume content in many different ways. Try creating a video to post on YouTube or social media from a previous blog post. It’s a great way to reach a new audience.

  6. Make it an infographic.
    Do you have a lot of great information to share but it’s too much to capture in a social post or with a photo? Infographics are a great way to do so. You can even find free templates on Canva if you need assistance. 

  7. Ask around for content.
    If you check with your ministries, there is most likely a ton of content where something was shared in a small group, in a meeting, in an email, during a prayer time, in kids or student ministry, etc. These things can be shared and repurposed on social media, in weekly/monthly email updates, giving asks, etc. 

Next time you’re stuck thinking you don’t have anything to post, think again. Just repurpose what you’ve got! 

Looking for more content ideas? Check out our blog for more strategies!