How does AI affect churches and their leaders? Our leaders discuss the potential benefits and downfalls of artificial intelligence in the church.
I believe every leader needs more of Jesus and also some AI tools (in that specific order) - to serve and lead effectively in 2024.
As leaders, we are responsible for holding multiple priorities - sometimes what even seem to be competing priorities - simultaneously. Therefore, I pray this is a season where each Christian leader is humbly seeking Christ and striving to serve and care for others like Him. And, in addition, I pray that each of us wants to grow in our understanding and steward well with integrity new technology. All to bring glory to God and advance the Good News of Jesus! And also to know and serve others!
Here is what I encourage every Christian leader to consider:
More of Jesus
As a Christian leader, I pray we each can spend meaningful time with Jesus in prayer and God's Word each day. And that this time is personal, deep, encouraging, and life-changing as we become more like Christ every day.
For me, when this is my aim and I'm growing to be more surrendered each day, I see God's provision and wisdom again and again. This is vital as I lead and serve at home, at Fishhook, in my home church and with others.
Understanding and serving others (using the tools of our day)
Then, with our personal focus on Jesus, we can pray for the needs of our world, nation and those all around us. And we want to strive to have more understanding and support to serve others.
AI offers significant tools for helping each of us as leaders to have even more context about our world, culture and the people we pray to connect with and be in relationship with. And this new technology helps us have more ideas for how to connect and serve them.
For example, in just a few seconds, through AI, we can learn more about the people and communities that we are striving to reach: who they are, what their concerns are, what their needs are, and suggestions for what they will need in the future.
We can also brainstorm new goals, words, visuals, ideas and curate all kinds of content that can be a springboard to personalize and customize our own planning, goals and ideas for connecting and serving.
While we know that these tools must be used responsibly (they are not a replacement for our personal walk with Jesus and our own preparation/planning/writing, etc.) they can be a smart tool to enhance our learning, understanding and ideas. Anything we pull from AI tools must be customized by each of us. We have to make it our own and craft our work for our own organizations, congregations and communities.
This year, make it your aim to:
Go deeper personally with Jesus to have his wisdom and direction.
Then, use the technology that is at our disposal. Use it responsibly for understanding and ideas.
As leaders, I think our openness to both (always Jesus first!) could provide an incredible year of more vision, meaning and serving to others.
Now it's your turn. What do you think about artificial intelligence in church communications?
What do you think? I'd love to hear what you're focused on this year in your leadership and with new technology. Our team would be happy to chat more about how to use AI in your role, how to set AI guidelines for your staff and everything in-between.