Struggling with long-range ministry planning? Do five-year projections overwhelm? Are your 10-year master plans fantasy? If we don’t know what tomorrow holds, how can we expect to predict the long road ahead?

At Fishhook, we follow a simple, three step business plan ...

Struggling with long-range ministry planning? Do five-year projections overwhelm? Are your 10-year master plans fantasy? If we don’t know what tomorrow holds, how can we expect to predict the long road ahead?

At Fishhook, we follow a simple, three step business plan:

1. We pray for work.

2. We pray for help.

3. We remember God brings both.

That’s it. Then, we just pay attention to how God is at work around us and we respond. If a door opens, we run toward it. If a door closes, we shrug our shoulders and watch for the next one to open.

If your leadership team is slogging through plans trying to see the future … perhaps you’re trying too hard. Step back. Simple down. See if God reveals another approach.

What works for you when it comes to planning? What doesn't?