It's not easy to lead in this season. But there is so much happening in our world and the church cannot be silent. We must say something.
COVID-19, continued racial injustice across our country, the crazy election season and most recently the violent attacks and storming of the U.S. Capitol. To say this last year has been hard would be a complete understatement.
But the reality is, it has all happened. And if the church chooses not to acknowledge it, we will be seen as apathetic and tone deaf.
The work you do as church leaders really matters. How you lead your congregations matters. People notice what leaders say and do. And that's why it's crucial we don't breeze past the hard things happening around us.
As the big C church, we should be talking about how we navigate this world together. About how to love and care for the people around us.
We're told in Micah 6:8 that the Lord asks us to "act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God." As Christ followers and as church leaders, we must live this out.
It's not easy to navigate any of this. It's not easy to lead anyone in this season. But there is so much happening in our world and the church cannot be silent. We must say something.
So lead boldly.
Speak out for what is not God honoring.
Speak up for the marginalized.
Speak out against violence.
Continue pointing people to the hope we can only find in Jesus.
Continue carrying Jesus' light into the dark places of the world.
Because this is what Jesus modeled for us. This is how we really make a difference.
In this tumultuous political climate we're living in, it's not about choosing sides. We don't have to pick a political party, we just have to lead people to God's word.
I'm praying for each church and each church leader that you boldly communicate in His name this week and in the weeks ahead. And for all, I'm praying for a deep recognition of our desperate need for our Savior.
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - John 16:33.