Working on this traveling day camp team each summer allowed me the opportunity to combine faith and fun. Ministry doesn’t have to be stuffy or boring. In fact, it shouldn’t be, especially when working with elementary-aged kiddos. They can resonate with faith more when they’re having fun, too.
During my senior year of high school, I was wrapping up all of my college campus visits, finalizing scholarship applications, and more. My camp experience from the previous summer helped me decide where to go to college. I knew that IUPUI didn’t have a specific “ministry” major, but because of the full-ride scholarship I received through the Honors College, I knew I’d be able to graduate debt-free and immediately begin working in ministry without any looming student loans.
Next up, I needed to decide what to study. I was good at writing, it had always come quite naturally to me. And I enjoyed it, too. I really liked my British Literature and Language & Composition classes in high school. So, I decided on majoring in Journalism. (I added on two minors, but that’s a story for another time.)
Both My Skill Set And My Passions
Since graduating from IUPUI, I’ve worked in a variety of ministry settings: a Christian church, a camp & retreat center, and a health & wellness ministry. Being able to use my skill sets (communications, copywriting, digital marketing) in settings I’m passionate about (ministry) has been the biggest blessing!
My education, career so far, and life – are all living, breathing examples of “both/and.” Just like those summer camp days where faith and fun were combined, I’ve been able to combine my skill set with ministry work that I am passionate about.
Ministry is anywhere and everywhere
There is a sign above the door as you leave my childhood home that reads: “You are now entering the mission field.” My parents had that sign, that message, on display as my siblings and I hustled out the door over the years, on our way to softball practice, choir rehearsal, youth group, and more.
I love its purpose and its message, the reminder that all of life is a mission field. We don’t have to be overseas as a missionary or in a typical, ministry-specific job to be on the mission field.
The mission field is anywhere and everywhere. It’ll look different for different people, both abroad and at home. My personal mission field has been a summer camp, a group fitness class at the YMCA, my local Starbucks, a half marathon’s start/finish line, IUPUI’s campus, a church lobby to name a few. Anywhere and everywhere.
Digital Marketing as a Mission Field
Now, as the new Digital Specialist at Fishhook, my mission field continues to include online, digital platforms. And not only is this my personal mission field, but I come alongside churches and show them the potential here, too. Digital marketing and online communications is a mission field!
God can use anywhere and everywhere to draw people back to Himself. I seek to steward online spaces to:
- Support and encourage individuals in their faith journeys
- Equip individuals with resources and approachable next steps they can take
- Help individuals (those scrolling social media, checking their email inbox, replying to texts, surfing the web) feel seen, heard, worthy, valued and loved.
I firmly believe that God is good and faithful, and that He shows up … even online. I’ve personally experienced Him do that in the past, and I am expectant of how He will continue doing this in the future too.
Partnering with Churches as a Fishhooker
As a Fishhooker, my hope is that I can show our church partners that online spaces are valuable ministry spaces, too. My goal is to come alongside and help, encourage, equip, support, and ultimately become a church partner’s #1 cheerleader in digital marketing. Or, digital ministry, however you want to phrase it.
If you’d like to chat about stewarding your church’s digital platforms for the glory of God and the good of others, reach out! I’d love to connect and see how Fishhook can come alongside your church in this way.