Our team is so grateful for the clients and projects we’ve been a part of in 2022. We’re also grateful to have added a few new faces to the Fishhook team!
You may have met us in person, over Zoom or you may have interacted with us over Basecamp or through our online content.
But, we wanted to give you a little peek into our personal lives with some fun trivia so you could get to know us a little better. One of the internal values we share together as a team is that we care about the “whole person.” It’s all about being known and valued.
So, enjoy these fun facts about each person on our team … hopefully they’ll feel a little more known to you.
Meet the Team
Leah, Managing Partner: She spends her days shepherding our team and our clients with compassion, encouragement and asking intentional questions. What you might not know is that one of her go-to snacks is eating warm rice, with milk and sugar. Yes, that’s right, like cereal.
Shayla, Partner & Director of Business Development: Shayla keeps the plates spinning, the balls rolling and the planes flying at Fishhook. You might not have her as your Account Director, but you probably met her in the beginning stages of working with Fishhook. Did you know that growing up she wanted to be a late night talk show host? She even had a radio show in college.
Meredith, Creative Director: Meredith turns the intangible into something tangible. She helps each church tell their unique story through design and messaging. One thing you’ll enjoy knowing about Meredith is that her husband dressed up in a variety of costumes while they were dating. The costumes continued into the wedding day
Shawn, Lead Web Developer: Who should want Shawn in their corner?! The answer is EVERYONE! When it comes to problems or possibilities with your website, Shawn is your guy! Shawn has somewhat of a “it’s complicated” way he met his wife. You see Shawn and Rebecca met while Rebecca was dating Shawn’s roommate/best friend. Let’s just say the rest is history.
Kyle, Lead Account Director: You can rely on Kyle to bring a friendly, welcoming vibe to every conversation. He’s one of the best listeners we know. You can also rely on him for any Zoolander quote when the time is perfect … which is every time!
Courtney, Project Manager: Courtney is the best team player - she cheers on, supports and encourages the Fishhook team and our clients. Something you may not know about Courtney is that she played on her high school lacrosse team!
Cam, Junior Visual Designer: Cam loves to see design as a collaborative process! His strengths come to the surface when he gets to take a client’s problems and turn them into a clear and fresh design. While the verdict is still out if this is also a strength of his, Cam’s other love is mixing root beer and lemonade together.
Aidan, Digital Specialist: Aidan joined our team earlier this year. Aidan views data through the lens of how your church can impact the world! He is your guy for all things Google Analytics and digital advertising. What you might not know about Aidan is that his first date with his wife was a church service. Now, that has got to be one of the cheapest dates there is, but we won’t hold that against him.
Justin, Account Director: Justin joined the team over the summer. When interacting with Justin, you should be prepared for him to talk about what he’s currently listening to, his thoughts on the latest game and creative ways to help people know Jesus. What you might not be prepared for him to talk about is the fact that he has met Peyton Manning! Ask him about it … it is a very UNIQUE story!
Jenn, Project Manager: Jenn is one of the newest Fishhookers! She loves to ask curious and intentional questions to understand, support and serve our clients. One thing you probably didn't know is that she loves learning about CrossFit. Not the actual working out part, more like the watching the documentaries part!
Julie, Web Developer: Julie joined our team in the fall and has hit the ground running with her passion for technology and design. She enjoys watching a website come to life like a puzzle, piecing it together. When she isn’t programming, you might find her watching the TV show, Psych. You should ask her how many times she’s seen it.
Dylan, Visual Designer: Dylan is officially joining the team in January but we’ve been connecting with him for several weeks now. He will be the first Fishhooker living in South Carolina. (We try not to get too jealous). Dylan listens intently and then takes what he hears and creates a visual world for clients. What we recently learned about him is that his favorite dish is fried chicken livers … must be a Southern thing.
So, what's next?
We hope these little trivia facts brought a smile to your face. We are excited for all that God has in store for us (and YOU) in 2023!
Follow us on social to learn more about our team and work in 2023!